Shoutouts FAQ

How does Shoutouts determine which Satisfaction Ratings are "support-related"?

Shoutouts uses the content of the CSAT comment to determine if a given rating was related to support.

It looks for obvious words like "support" and "service", as in:

Your support is the best! It's what keeps me coming back 😊

as well as more subtle clues like mentions of quick replies, as in:

Impressed at the fast responses. Much appreciated.

Why aren't all of our Satisfaction Ratings appearing in Slack?

By default, Shoutouts only includes CSAT comments that are "support-related" (as defined above). If a comment does not contain a clue that it is related to support, it won't show up in Slack.

However, this behavior is customizable. Under the Customize page, if it currently says "a support-related comment", instead select "any comment".

Note: This will still only send "good" Satisfaction Ratings, though that is also customizable.

What data does Shoutouts use from Zendesk?

Shoutouts uses Satisfaction Rating comments and agent/user first names to build the shoutout messages.

It also matches agents in Zendesk to users in Slack by email address, so agents can be tagged in Slack.

For more information, feel free to contact us, and we'd be happy to clarify anything!

What data does Shoutouts use from Slack?

Shoutouts sends messages to a single channel named #shoutouts (this can be customized).

It also checks if the channel has been created yet, and how many agents have joined the channel.

Finally, it matches agents in Zendesk to users in Slack by email address, so agents can be tagged in Slack.

For more information, feel free to contact us, and we'd be happy to clarify anything!

Since Shoutouts is a free tool, what's in it for MaestroQA?

To get our name out there, we make free tools like Shoutouts that we think support teams will get real value from. If you are familiar with "Engineering As Marketing", it's like that!

So we hope you enjoy using Shoutouts, and if you do, tell your friends who work in support!

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